我的老客户需要直径3英寸,4英寸,长度3.8米以内的纯3k 碳素纤维管,规格如下:
Description: Qty:
3" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 8' long 10ea 30ea
3" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 9' long 10ea 30ea
3" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 10' long 10ea 30ea 60ea
4" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 8' long 10ea 30ea
4" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 9' long 10ea 30ea
4" O.D. x 2.5mm wall thickness x 10' long 10ea 30ea 60ea
Please quote on 10 & 30 each for the 8' & 9'. For the 10' please also quote on making 60 each. Thank you!