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开始时间 2004年03月15日
结束时间 2004年03月17日
城市 上海市
主办方 同期举办:2004第三届中国(上海)国际管线技术设备展览会

中华人民共和国建设部               中国城市煤气学会               科学技术委员            浙江省市政工程协会
地下管线管理技术专业委员会  上海市市政工程行业协会  上海市政管理局  
江苏省市政工程协会              中国燃气设备网
“西气东输”管理办公室  《天燃气工业》      《地下管线》杂志社              
上海市政工程研究院             上海燃气规划设计院

上海市市政工程行业协会         东方国际集团广告展览有限公司         上海中晟展览服务有限公司


报到布展: 2004年3月13日至14日 (9:00-17:30)
正式展出: 2004年3月15日至17日 (9:00-16:30)
开幕时间: 2004年3月15日 (上午9:18)
撤展日期: 2004年3月17日 (下午14:30)

★ 各类高、中、低压管道管材、管件
★ 城市供排水、建筑给排水、石油天然气、燃气等领域的新型管材管件
★ 塑料、金属复合管、铝塑复合管、钢塑复合管、工程塑料管、玻璃钢管、铸铁管、钢管、混凝土管等
★ 管道泄漏探测技术、仪器及管道焊接设备,管道清洗技术、防腐、保温隔热材料等
★ 城市污水处理技术及设备
★ 各类管道开挖及非开挖技术设备
★ 各类相关媒体、杂志、网络及软件等

标准展位: 国内7800元/展位   
  合资 10000元/ 展位
空地价格:国内780元/平方米/ 展期(36平米起租)
  合资1000元/平方米/ 展期
外商 250美元/平方米/ 展期
标准展位费用包括: 展出场地、2.5m高壁板、楣牌制作、9平方地毯、洽谈桌一
张、二把椅子、220伏电源插座、日光灯二支; 展出场地保安、清洁服务等;

★ 填写展位申请表,加章后邮寄或传真至大会组委会。在申请展位一周内将参展费用[50%(定金)或全款电汇或交至组委会。] 展位分配原则:"先申请,先付款,先安排。"
★ 参展商在汇出各项费用后,须将银行汇款单传真至组委会,以便核查。
★ 主办单位收到《参展申请表》和展台费用后,将寄《参展手册》给参展商。
★ 参展商在报名参展后,中途退出参展所付定金不退。


















请柬: 5000元/5000张    入场券: 3000元/万张
空飘气球: 5000元/展期   条幅: 2000元/展期
充气拱门: 8000元/展期  (注: 请柬、入场券3万张起印)
国外企业: 1500美元/场(注:不足一场按一场计算,需讲座者,请填写参展报名
国内企业: 6000人民币/场

媒体广告: 组织单位与业内专业媒体结成同盟,以及在华东地区主要媒体投放频
巡回宣传: 前期招展与后期专业观众组织工作同时进行,选择参加国内外较具规模和影响的同类专业展会,直接面对专业客商进行宣传推广和观众组织工作;
赠票计划: 组织单位将印制精美请柬不少于十五万份,通过行业管理机构、行业协会及海外代理,利用承办商庞大的数据库向海内外专业人士邮寄,确保展商以最少的投资获取高额的回报;
特殊邀请: 主要针对国内外商会、协会、学会等贸易团体组织、专家学者以及国家有关部委和华东地区各省、市有关部门领导,从而增加观众的含金量。



公司名称 中文  
地 址  
电 话   传 真
邮 编  
负责人   职 务
租用展位   展 费
会刊版面   认刊费
协办级别 □A级 □B级 □C级
其他广告   费 用
费用总额 大写: 付款日期  
收款单位 上海展览会组委会
开户行 工行漕支虹梅分理处
帐 号 1001266339700002946
备 注  

组委会上海联络处: 参展单位盖章:
电话: 021-54245028 负责人(签字):
传真: 021-54245026
负责人:陈默 手机13916912855

The 3rd China (Shanghai) International Gas Technology & Equipment Exhibition 2004 Time: March 15-17, 2004 Venue: Shanghai Mart (2299 Yan’an Road West, Shanghai, P.R. China) 

Shanghai Municipal Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission
Ministry of Construction, P.R. China City Gas Society of China
Science & Technology Commission, Ministry of Construction, P.R. China Zhejiang Provincial Municipal Engineering Association
Underground Pipeline Management Technology Professional Council Gas Show Network (www.gasshow.com)
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Trade Association (SMETA) Shanghai Municipality Administration Bureau
Jiangsu Provincial Municipal Engineering Association China Gas Equipment Network (www.ccgas.net)
“West-East Gas Transmission” Administrative Office Natural Gas Industry Magazine
Underground Pipeline Magazine Shanghai Municipal Engineering Research Institute
Shanghai Gas Planning & Design Institute  
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Trade Association (SMETA)
Orient International Holding Advertising & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Zhongsheng Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Today in the 21st Century, the progress of urbanization is increasingly standing out. With China's accession into WTO and its successful bids for the Olympic Games 2008 and World Expo Shanghai 2010, China, the largest developing country around the world, is integrating itself further into the development of the World. The "Western Grand Development", Chinese government's great support to urban construction, and its hotspot investment on urban construction have brought with new opportunities and challenges for the enterprises engaged in materials equipment production and piping materials manufacturing, combination, and installation, etc. In the meantime, they have also led to great demand for capital, technology, human resources and information. 
With Shanghai's striding for its position as an international metropolis featuring "one leading head and four centers", the internal connections and mutual cooperation within this area is more closely, and the progress of social and economic integration within the area is speeding up. The urban infrastructure construction industry will create more brilliant achievements in the construction of cities and regional integration over the Yangtze River Delta. This exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Construction, and provincial and municipal authorities in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, etc., when government officials, experts and scholars, and professionals of the municipal engineering industry are gathered together to probe for pipeline and pipe network construction from multiple perspectives and in multiple layers and implement economic and technological cooperation featuring larger scope, wider range and higher level.
This exhibition will become a great event characteristic of high level, large scale and profound influence. 
Welcome all the manufacturers and merchants both domestic and overseas to participate in the exhibition.

■ Schedule: 
l Registration & Move-in: March 13-14, 2004 (9:00 - 17:30)
l Show Time: March 15-17, 2004 (9:00 - 16:30)
l Opening Ceremony: March 15, 2004 (9:18, a.m.)
l Move-out: March 17, 2004 (14:30, p.m.)

■ Exhibits:
1. A variety of high, middle, low pressure pipelines, piping materials and pipe elements; 
2. New types of piping materials and pipe elements for urban water supply and drainage, construction water supply and drainage, petroleum, natural gas, and gases, etc.;
3. Plastic and metal composite pipes, aluminum-plastic composite pipes, steel-plastic composite pipes, construction plastic pipes, glass reinforced plastic pipes, cast iron pipes, steel pipes, and concrete pipes, etc. 
4. Pipeline leakage inspection technology, instruments and pipe welding equipment, pipe cleaning technology, anti-corrosive and heat insulating materials;
5. Urban waste water treatment technology and equipment;
6. A variety of excavation and trenchless technology and equipment;
7. Related media, publications, networks and software, etc.

■ Participation Fees:
1. Standard Booth: (3m × 3m)
l Domestic Businesses: RMB7,800.00/Booth
l Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures: RMB10,000.00/Booth
l Overseas Businesses: USD2,500.00/Booth
2. Raw Space: (Minimum 36 sq.m.)
l Domestic Businesses: RMB780.00 /sq.m.
l Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures: RMB1, 000.00/ sq.m.
l Overseas Businesses: USD250.00/ sq.m.
Each standard booth consists of a show area, partitions with 2.5m in height, fascia board, 9 sq.m. carpet, 1 negotiation table, 2 chairs, 220V power socket, 2 fluorescent lamps, and security and cleaning services on the site.
Attendee's Service Fee: RMB500.00 per attendee (including exhibition materials, lunches, and souvenirs, etc.) 

■ Procedures:
1. Fill out the Application Form, stamp it with official seal and submit it by mail or fax to the Organizing Committee. Make the fees payable in full or 50% as deposit by telegraphic transfer or in person to the Organizing Committee within 7 days after application. The allocation of booths is on a basis of "first-come-first-served". 
2. Upon remittance of all the fees, exhibitors are required to fax the stub of the bank transfer to the Organizing Committee for review.
3. Upon receipt of the Application Form and booth rental, the Organizing Committee will send a copy of Exhibitor's Manual to the exhibitor. 
4. After application for the exhibition, if the exhibitor withdraws from the exhibition halfway, the deposit shall not be refunded.

■ Expo Publication:
On top of being widely distributed to relevant authorities, associations, visitors and clients during the exhibition, the Expo catalogues will also be sent out through the channels of the organizers to the industrial systems and related units. 

Page Front cover Back cover Inside front Inside back Colored inside page Colored double-page spread Black & white inside page
Price(RMB) 18,000 12,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 8,000 3,000

■ Other Advertisements:
¨ Letters of invitation: RMB 5,000.00/5,000 Pieces
¨ Admission tickets: RMB 3,000.00/10,000 Tickets
¨ Outdoor balloons: RMB 5,000.00/Expo
¨ Banners: RMB 2,000.00/Expo
¨ Inflated arches: RMB 8,000.00/Expo
(Note: Letters of invitation and admission tickets shall be printed with minimum 30,000 pieces.)

■ Technical Seminars:
l Overseas Businesses: USD 1500.00/Seminar
l Domestic Businesses: RMB 6000.00/Seminar
(Note: The technical seminar shall be charged as one seminar if it lasts less than the regular time. For any applicant intending to host a seminar, please fill out the Application Form. The seminar fee shall be remitted together with the booth rental and noted with "Seminar Fee".

■ Others:
1. With regards to the exhibits' transportation and attendees' accommodations, etc., please make reference to the Exhibitor's Manual.
2. In order to make the event more influential, some powerful enterprises will be cordially invited as co-sponsors or co-organizers. The co-sponsorship will be classified into three ranks: Class A: RMB 80,000, Class B: RMB 50,000 and Class C: RMB 38,000. (The compensation articles are available for your reference.)
3. Advertising on the backside of tickets: RMB5,000/10,000 tickets. (Size: 90mm ×180mm)

■ Publicity & Promotion: 
1. Media Advertising: The organizers will ally with the professional media to launch high-frequency advertising promotions in the East China, and make news releases to the world via the Internet.
2. Circulating Publicity: The invitation of exhibitors and organization of professional audience are carried out simultaneously. Choose to participate in the same events with large scale and great influence at home and abroad, and make face-to-face contacts with professional clients for the event promotions and organization of audience. 
3. Ticket Presenting Plan: No less than 150,000 letters of invitation will be printed and distributed through the industrial authorities, associations and overseas agencies, and mailed to the domestic and overseas professionals by means of the organizers' large-scale database so as to ensure the exhibitors to obtain highest returns with least investment.
4. Special Invitation: This invitation mainly targets at domestic and overseas trade organizations such as chambers of commerce, associations and societies, etc., as well as officials of the related State ministries and commissions, and provincial and municipal authorities in the East China so as to increase the "gold content" of audience. 

           Application Form & Agreement
We have hereby decided to participate in The 3rd China (Shanghai) International Pipeline Technology & Equipment Exhibition in Shanghai from March 13-17, 2004, and guarantee to make payable all the fees as required and abide by the uniform arrangements of the Organizing Committee.

Name of Company Chinese
Telephone   Fax   Post Code  
Person in Charge   Position   Contact Person  
Standard Booth   Fee   Raw Space  
Publication Pages   Publication Fee   Rank of Co-organizer □A □B □C
Other Ads   Fee   Attendee’s Service Fee  
  Date of Payment  
Beneficiary The Organizing Committee of Shanghai Exhibition
Bank of Deposit Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shanghai Branch, Caobao Sub-branch, Hongmei Section
Account No. 1001266339700002946
Shanghai Liaison Office of Applicant (Stamp):
the Organizing Committee: 
Add: Rm.510, Building 18, Lane 128, 
Songyuan Road, Shanghai, Authorized Representative (Signature):
P.R. China
Tel: +86-21-54245028
Fax: +86-21-54245026
Contact Person: ChenMo13916912855 Date:
